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Russia edges closer to Nuclear War:  continued Russian threats of nuclear weapons use against NATO countries enabling Ukrainian attacks into Russia should not be ignored

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For years as NATO expanded east towards Russia, Putin’s clear warnings and threats to retaliate were ignored.  The Russian invasion of Ukraine was no surprise.

Russia continues to escalate in both threats and preparations for using battlefield nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and theater nuclear weapons against west European countries that are sending advanced conventional weapons to Ukraine that are being fired into Russia.  The recent deployment of Russian Navy warships to Cuba is yet another form of “saber rattling” to strongly communicate Russia’s threats to attack NATO members supporting Ukraine.

This is not a “take shelter threat alert,” but we may be close to nuclear war, however irrational or unjust that may seem.  Putin may believe he cannot accept continued stalemate and huge losses in Ukraine, or NATO-supplied weapons striking deep and deeper into Russia.  It is very likely that Russia will use battlefield, tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and they may quickly (or immediately) use longer range theater nuclear weapons to hit NATO countries and pressure them to stop aid to Ukraine.  It seems unlikely that this would escalate to a strategic nuclear exchanges between the U.S. and Russia—but that is in fact official U.S. strategic doctrine.  Because it is so “politically incorrect” in the U.S. to even talk about limited, battlefield use of nuclear weapons our troops are completely unprepared for this kind of combat.  The U.S. military was forced to completely abandon Army nuclear battlefield nuclear weapons capability—which Russia and China continue to expand and improve.  U.S. policy thus warns of “uncontrollable escalation” to strategic nuclear exchanges if any nuclear weapons are used to try and deter Russia and China.  But it is a foolish, stupid strategy—and a ruthless enemy could readily call this bluff.  The U.S. is not going to go to nuclear war to assist Ukraine or Taiwan.

Russia has recently held exercises to test their tactical, battlefield nuclear weapons use and Putin and other Russian officials have openly, strongly warned NATO nations that they will use nuclear weapons to retaliate against countries enabling Ukraine to launch strikes into Russia.  In response to this, the U.S. did not back down, but recently authorized Ukraine to conduct strikes on rockets and artillery firing on them from Russian soil. 

We do not question any of these policy decisions or support for Ukraine against Russia.  We do warn people around the world to be prepared for escalation to nuclear weapons use in Ukraine that could include theater nuclear strikes into West Europe.  NATO countries providing long range munitions to Ukraine are at risk of a limited Russian nuclear attack on their soil.  A nuclear exchange between the U.S. and Russia appears highly unlikely, but is possible. 

You should have two radiation detectors.  One may suffice, but it is vital to respect Murphy’s Law and assume that if you have just one, it will break.  The detector that Fortitude Ranch, the largest survival community network, uses is a “GQ GMC-300e Plus Nuclear Radiation Detector Geiger Counter” that is a little over $100.

Do not waste money on buying potassium iodine—it is not a preventive or treatment or magic bullet to protect you from radiation exposure.   You must avoid, limit, monitor exposure to radiation and not ingest anything radioactive.  Watch this video for some basic information on dealing with radioactive fallout:

Preps for a nuclear war are largely the same as any collapse disaster:  assume disruption in food production and distribution, loss of law and order if things get really bad.  If a major nuclear war develops, EMP effects will be used to take down electric systems—which will mean municipal water systems and the economy cannot function.  A limited nuclear war in Europe could greatly disrupt food production and supplies.   So if you do not have significant (months to a year) supplies of stockpiled food or the ability to grow/raise food, this would be a wise area to improve preparations.

For information on food stockpiling, radioactive fallout, other preparedness information go to the “Preparedness Knowledgebase” on the Collapse Survivor website: