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Grid Down Power Up – A fantastic documentary

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The U.S. electric grid is extremely fragile and vulnerable to human attack or destruction from solar flares, even cascading power surges from lightning strikes. 

A fantastic documentary that explains these threats—and also enables you to help pressure irresponsible elected officials to stop ignoring this threat. The U.S. military is dependent on our civilian electric grid—it’s our “Achille’s heel.”  A Congressionally funded (and ignored) EMP Commission estimated that an enemy nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack on our grid would take it down for over a year, leading to the death of 90% of Americans (mainly from the collapse and starvation that results with little economic activity, no municipal water systems, marauder threats from loss of law and order). 

Our state and federal officials understand the dangers of grid failure but haven’t successfully passed legislation to remedy the problem. Natural disasters and weather phenomena are only one facet in the frightening scope of future failures. An orchestrated physical attack, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), cyber-attack, or geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) could shut down our electric grid for a year; or longer. This is a Global, humanitarian issue, not a political one; if something is not done, we will inevitably find ourselves in the dawn of a new Dark Age. Watch “Grid Down Power Up” for more information to understand how you can help solve this problem and protect our power.  Feel free to  WATCH THE MOVIE in Media section 

The producers of this documentary are also working to pressure government to act, with Federal as well as statewide lobbying efforts. This includes laying the groundwork for the Texas 2025 legislative session through ongoing planning sessions involving utility senior management and state officials. The website includes information on how to get involved in pressuring irresponsible government officials to act before it’s too late.