A gunman with an AK-47 style rifle was shot at by Secret Service today at a golf course with former President Trump was playing golf. The gunman was 300 to 500 yards away from Trump, close enough to have successfully shot and killed the former President. President Trump was not harmed and the gunman was arrested.
A successful assassination, more failed attempts, or some other event could trigger an explosion in violence and lead to retaliations, escalating attacks, and even a break down in law and order in some areas. Gangs and criminals are well aware that when police are overwhelmed with responding to protests, campaign events with counter groups, or other unrest that demands a lot of police attention, it can be “open season” for looting and home invasions, with inadequate police to respond. Like a “flash mob,” if a lot of people engage in crime or violence at the same time, odds of getting arrested are extremely low.
You may want to raise your preparedness level when outside of your home, conceal or open carry, be more prepared for an unexpected, sudden surge in violence.